Multi-Tenancy in HP Matrix Operating Environment Infrastructure Orchestration

Request and Services Tabs
The Service Provider Administrator has full access and control of all requests and services in the entire IO system,
irrespective of whether they originate from the Service Provider or an organization.
Figure 3: Requests Tab
The Request messages in the Request tab also show the organization affiliation of the User who submits the Request.
Similarly the Services tab shows the affiliation of each Service. Note that service names need only be unique within
the scope of an organization. However logical server hostnames must be globally unique (see the section on Logical
Server Hostnames).
Figure 4: Organization field in the Services tab
Servers Tab
The Servers tab shows the servers and pools at the Service Provider level. It shows the servers that have been
assigned to organizations, but does not display the organization pools to which they belong.
Figure 5: Console Servers tab
To determine to which organization a server has been assigned, select the server details.