HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) version 2.2 User Guide

Figure 5 Unmanaged storage array XML object model
All objects in this model derive from the Entity class, and therefore they all have an ObjectID. An
ObjectID is a string that contains a unique identifier. ObjectIDs must be unique across all XML files
to be loaded by SPM. If there is a conflict, the second file containing the conflicting ObjectID will
be ignored. ObjectIDs are optional except when an object must be referenced from another object
in an XML file. SPM will generate an ObjectID for any objects that do not have one specified in
the XML file.
A StorageArrayDefinition is the root object within an unmanaged array XML file. Each such file
must contain exactly one StorageArrayDefinition object. These objects define a class of storage
arrays, and may define several instances of the class.
Required unique object identifier.StringObjectID
Zero or more MapItem objects,
mapping HostMode values to array host
Sequence of MapItem objectsHostmodeMap
100 Working with unmanaged arrays