Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with 3PAR Remote Copy

A Checklist and worksheet for configuring Metrocluster with
3PAR Remote Copy.
Disaster recovery checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you have adhered to the disaster tolerant architecture guidelines
for two main data centers and a third location configuration.
Data centers A and B have the same number of nodes to maintain quorum in case an entire
data center fails.
Arbitrary nodes or Quorum Server nodes are located in a separate location from either of the
primary data centers (A or B).
The elements in each data center including nodes, disks, network components, and climate
control are on separate power circuits.
Multipathing is configured for each disk used in Metrocluster.
Each disk array is configured with redundant replication links.
At least two networks are configured to function as the cluster heartbeat.
All redundant cabling for network, heartbeat, and replication links are routed using physical
Cluster configuration worksheet
Use this cluster configuration worksheet either in place of, or in addition to the worksheet provided
in the latest version of the Managing Serviceguard manual available at
hpux-serviceguard-docs —> HP Serviceguard. If you have already completed a Serviceguard
cluster configuration worksheet, you only need to complete the first part of this worksheet
Names and nodes
Cluster Name: ____________________________________________________________
Data Center A Name and Location: _________________________________________
Site Name: _______________________________________________________________
Node Names: _______________________________________________________________
Data Center B Name and Location: _________________________________________
Site Name: _______________________________________________________________
Node Names: ______________________________________________________________
Arbitrator/Quorum Server Third Location Name and Location: _______________
Arbitrator Node/Quorum Server Names: ____________________________________
Maximum Configured Packages: ____________________________________________
Heartbeat IP Addresses: _________________________________________________
Non-Heartbeat IP Addresses: _____________________________________________
Timing Parameters
68 Checklist and worksheet for configuring Metrocluster with 3PAR Remote Copy.