Neoview Query Guide (R2.3, R2.4, R2.5)

Data TypeToken DescriptionToken
expr(text)Expression of the aggregate functionaggregates
expr(text)Expression of the HAVING clauseselection_predicates
expr(text)Expression of the grouping columnsgrouping_columns
The HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_LEAF operator executes a partial group by operation as close
to where the data is read as is cost effective. This strategy reduces the amount of data that must
be relocated for a query. When executed in DAM, the HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_LEAF is
limited to a small amount of memory. Any group that does not fit in memory is passed on
ungrouped, with the full grouping occurring at the HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_ROOT. If the
HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_LEAF is not executed in DAM, more memory is available, and
all rows are grouped. The groups from multiple processes are then rolled up in the
The operator must always be accompanied by a HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_ROOT operator
above it in the tree, which finalizes the query.
The HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_LEAF operator has one child operator. The description field
for this operator contains:
Data TypeToken DescriptionToken
integerA sequential number assigned to the fragment. 0 is always master
executor and 1 is reserved for the Explain plan. Numbers 2 to n will be
ESP or DAM fragments.
integerThe fragment_id for the parent fragment of the current fragment. Value
is (none) for master executor.
textmaster, ESP, or DAMfragment_type
expr(text)Expression of the grouping columnsgrouping_columns
expr(text)Expression of the aggregate functionaggregates
expr(text)Expression of the HAVING clauseselection_predicates
The HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_ROOT operator works together as a pair with the
finalizes the group by at the ESP level. See “HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_LEAF Operator
(page 46).
The HASH_PARTIAL_GROUPBY_ROOT operator has one child operator. The description field
for this operator contains:
Data TypeToken DescriptionToken
integerA sequential number assigned to the fragment. 0 is always master
executor and 1 is reserved for the Explain plan. Numbers 2 to n will
be ESP or DAM fragments.
integerThe fragment_id for the parent fragment of the current fragment. Value
is (none) for master executor.
textmaster, ESP, or DAMfragment_type
expr(text)Expression of the grouping columnsgrouping_columns
46 Query Plan Operators