Neoview Messages Manual (Volume 1) (R2.4)

Recovery You must drop all user-created catalogs before dropping SQL.
SQL 1039
1039 The DROP SQL statement could not be executed.
Cause See the accompanying error message for the cause.
Effect The HP Neoview database software does not drop SQL.
Recovery Apply the recovery of the accompanying error message.
SQL 1040
1040 The use of ALTER on metadata tables is not permitted.
Cause An ALTER TABLE statement was issued naming a table that is part of the HP Neoview
database metadata. Such tables cannot be altered.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery None.
SQL 1041
1041 The primary key has already been defined.
Cause You attempted to add a primary key to a table that already has a primary key.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery None.
SQL 1042
1042 All PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint columns must be NOT NULL.
Cause You did not specify NOT NULL on one or more columns that are included in a
UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Reissue the statement with NOT NULL specified for all columns that are in the
PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints.
SQL 1043
1043 Constraint constraint-name already exists.
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause You assigned the same constraint name to two constraints on the same table. Constraint
names must be unique among all the constraints for a table.
Effect The operation fails.
Recovery Make all the constraint names for the table unique. Use SHOWDDL to see the
names of existing constraints.
SQL 1044
1044 Constraint constraint-name could not be created because the
referenced columns in the referenced table are not part of a unique
is the name of a column constraint or table constraint.
Cause The columns that constraint-name references in the referenced table are not part
of a unique constraint.
Effect The operation fails.