Neoview ODBC Drivers Manual (R2.5)

4. Select the Log file Path you want to use. Use the Browse button to locate the correct log file.
5. Click Start Tracing Now.
6. Click Apply then OK.
Stop Tracing on a Client Data Source
1. Bring up the Microsoft ODBC Administrator:
Start> Programs> HP ODBC 2.0> MS ODBC Administrator
2. Select the Tracing tab.
3. Click Stop Tracing Now.
4. Click Apply then OK.
Enabling Connection Pooling
The connection pooling mechanism is enabled by the client ODBC application. The HP Neoview
ODBC driver client installation program (HPODBC_v.v[v].v.exe) automatically enables
connection pooling for the HP Neoview ODBC driver by setting the CPTimeout value to 60
seconds in the following Windows NT Registry entry:
To change CPTimeout to a different value for all HP Neoview ODBC driver clients on the client
workstation, edit the CPTimeout Registry entry using the Registry Editor. To change CPTimeout
for only one session, call the SQLConfigDriver function.
If CPTimeout is zero (0), connection pooling is disabled for the HP Neoview ODBC driver, even
if an application requests it.
NOTE: For an application to use connection pooling, the Connection Idle Timeout value for
the server data source to which the application will connect must be greater than the CPTimeout
value. The default is 10 minutes.
You set the Connection Idle Timeout value when you configure the data source using Neoview
DB Admin.
To use connection pooling, an ODBC client application must perform the following sequence:
1. Enable connection pooling.
Call SQLSetEnvAttr with the environment handle set to NULL and the
SQL_CP_ONE_PER_HENV. SQL_CP_OFF (the default) turns connection pooling off.
2. Allocate an environment handle.
Call SQLAllocHandle with the HandleType argument set to SQL_HANDLE_ENV.
3. Specify how the ODBC driver manager should match an incoming connection with the
connections in the pool.
Call SQLSetEnvAttr and set the SQL_ATTR_CP_MATCH attribute to
4. Specify the ODBC version.
Call SQLSetEnvAttr and set the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION attribute to the application
version (for example, SQL_OV_ODBC3).
5. Allocate a connection handle.
Call SQLAllocHandle with the HandleType argument set to SQL_HANDLE_DBC, and the
InputHandle argument set to the environment handle allocated for connection pooling.
Enabling Connection Pooling 59