Neoview ODBC Drivers Manual (R2.5)

Transport layer error.08S02
No more NDCS servers available to connect.08001
Cardinality violation; insert value list does not match column list.21001
Cardinality violation; parameter value list does not match column list.21002
Cardinality violation; insertion value list does not match column list.21S01
Cardinality violation; parameter list does not match column list.21S02
String data right truncation.22001
A negative value cannot be converted to an unsigned numeric datatype.22003
Error in assignment.22005
Precision or scale out of range.22005
Datetime field overflow.22008
Division by zero.22012
Interval field overflow22015
Invalid character value for cast specification.22018
Integrity constraint violation.23000
Invalid cursor state.24000
Invalid transaction state.25000
Invalid SQL statement identifier.26000
Invalid authorization specification.28000
Invalid authorization specification; access to selected database is denied.28000
Invalid cursor name.34000
Syntax error in SQL dynamic statement.37000
Duplicate cursor name.3C000
Attempt to initiate new SQL server operation with data pending.40001
Syntax error or access rule violation.42000
Operation aborted (server did not process cancel request).70100
General error.
NOTE: Various messages can appear with this value of SQLSTATE.
For example, if the number of rows returned for a query exceeds the
maximum number of rows configured for the WMS service
(MAX_ROWS_FETCHED), the message is “SQL error: The limit for
maximum rows to be returned for a query, as set by the administrator,
was exceeded.”
TranslationDLL Truncation: DataSourceToDriver.HY721
Server declined cancel request.HY018
TranslationDLL Truncation: DriverToDataSource.HY721
TranslationDLL Error: DataSourceToDriver.HY722
TranslationDLL Error: DriverToDataSource.HY723
76 HP Neoview ODBC Drivers Messages