Neoview ODBC Drivers Manual (R2.5)

Description and RecoveryError Code and Text
The specified directory does not exist on the workstation. The
CERTIFICATEDIR attribute, if present, must specify an existing
directory. If you omit the CERTIFICATEDIR attribute, then the
HOME environment variable or the HOMEDRIVE and
HOMEPATH variables must identify an existing directory.
[29723] Directory name not found.
These messages signify internal errors. Please report them to HP
[29702] Internal error: Session key generation
[29703] Internal error: The input parameter
name was null.
[29705] Internal error: Failed to encrypt the
[29706] Internal error: Failed to create the
keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code.
[29707] Internal error: The public key length
was 0.
[29710] Internal error: Random number
generation failed.
[29711] Internal error: The length of the cipher
text length was not equal to the length of the
public key.
[29712] Internal error: The length of the
HMAC message was less than the expected
[29715] Internal error: Failed to decrypt the
[27922] Internal error: Error building the
password key.
[29724] Internal error: Failed to seed the
random number generator.
[29725] Internal error: Memory allocation
[29726] Internal error: Mutex does not exist.
[29727] Internal error: Failed to load the
library ADVAPI32.DLL.
[29728] Internal error: Failed to release mutex.
Connectivity Service Error Messages
The following server-side errors related to passwords and certificate management are potentially
displayed by an ODBC application (such as NCI). Error codes listed are available from ODBC
as the value of NativeError.
NOTE: Error codes listed in this section are available from JDBC as the value of SQLCODE.
Both ODBC and JDBC make SQL states available as the value of SQLSTATE. Values are the same
for ODBC and JDBC except where indicated.
ODBC NativeError: 0
Invalid authorization specification
means that the user did not present a valid user name or password or that the user's account
is locked or frozen.
SQLCODE: error-code
80 HP Neoview ODBC Drivers Messages