HP OneView Deployment and Management Guide 1.0

Technical white paper | HP OneView Deployment and Management Guide
2. In the Logical Interconnects view, validate the [ENC-Name]-LI Logical Interconnect is selected, then the Actions menu
select Update Firmware.
3. On the Update Firmware on [ENC-NAME]-LI window, select the Firmware Baseline, and select Update Firmware (stage +
activate) action. The other two options are for staging firmware to initiate a manual activation of the Virtual Connect
firmware. The second option Stage firmware for later activation is used to deploy and stage the firmware for later
manual activation by the admin. If firmware has been previously staged, the final option would become active.
HP OneView does not offer the ability to modify Activation order, and each module is Activated independently and at the
same time, which will cause a network outage. To control potential outages, consider staging and manual activation of
Virutal Connect firmware.