HP OneView REST API Reference

enclosures.html[10/17/2013 10:35:21 AM]
seconds (5 minutes).
type: integer
required: true
historyBufferSize: description: Number of history samples maintained by the device. For example,
288 samples at 5 minute intervals cover 24 hours.
type: integer
required: true
powerCapType: description: The type of power capping supported by this device.
type: string
enum: None
idleMaxPower: description: Minimum power consumption seen (in Watts), 0 if unknown. The
minimum power consumption occurs when the device is in idle state.
type: integer
required: true
calibratedMaxPower: description: The calibrated maximum power. Calibrated Maximum Power is
defined as the maximum potential power that the device can
consume, subject to the following requirements and constraints: 1.
The value reported MUST be the maximum which can be sustained
for greater than 1/2 second (i.e., in-rush currents and other spikes
that may persist for less than a 1/2 second are not to be included). 2.
The value reported MUST represent the maximum total AC input
across all power supplies 3. The value reported MUST represent the
maximum AC input the device can sustain as configured at the time
this metric is reported. If additional components are added later or if it
is discovered at a later time that more power can be used, the larger
number MUST be reported when the device is next queried for this
metric. 4. The value reported does not represent potential input
power in the case of error conditions such as short circuits. 5. The
actual power used by the device MUST NOT exceed the reported
Calibrated Maximum Power by greater than 1%. 6. The Calibrated
Maximum Power SHOULD NOT exceed the actual maximum power
that the device is capable of using by more than 5%.
type: integer
required: true
psuList: description: The list of configuration data for each power supply of the
type: array
capacity: description: The size of the power supply in Watts.
type: integer
psuId: description: A small integer identifying the slot or bay
number of the power supply starting at one (1).
type: integer