HP OneView REST API Reference

logical-interconnect-groups.html[10/17/2013 10:35:26 AM]
locationEntries: description: A set of logical locations
type: array
type: description: The type of the location
type: string
enum: Port
relativeValue: description: The relative value of the
location -- Type:Enclosure,
Relative value:1; Type:Bay,
Relative values:1 to 8;
Type:Port, Relative
values:Downlink Ports:D1 is 1,
D2 is 2, ....,D15 is 15, D16;
Uplink Ports:X1 is 17, X2 is 18,
....,X9 is 25, X10 is 26.
type: integer
permittedInterconnectTypeUri: description: The permitted interconnect type URI to use
type: string
ethernetSettings: description: The Ethernet interconnect settings for the logical interconnect group. Optional, if not supplied and default will be used
type: object
interconnectType: description: The type of the network this will be used for
default: Ethernet
type: string
enum: Ethernet
readonly: true
status: description: Overall health status of the resource. The following are the valid values for the status of the resource:Unknown - should be
avoided, but there may be rare occasions where status is Unknown; OK - indicates normal/informational behavior; Disabled -
indicates that a resource is not operational; Warning - needs attention soon; Critical - needs immediate attention.
type: string
igmpIdleTimeoutInterval: description: IGMP snooping idle time out intervals in seconds
default: 260
type: integer
maximum: 3600
minimum: 1
macRefreshInterval: description: MAC Cache Fail Over refresh intervals in seconds
default: 5
type: integer