HP OneView REST API Reference

logical-interconnect-groups.html[10/17/2013 10:35:26 AM]
type: boolean
state: description: Current state of the resource
type: string
eTag: description: Entity tag/version ID of the resource, the same value that is returned in the ETag header on a GET of the
type: string
modified: description: Date and time when the resource was last modified
pattern: [1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-([0-1][0-9])-[0-3][0-9]T[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](.[0-9][0-9][0-9])?Z
type: string
format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
dependentResourceUri: description: The URI which the setting will be applied to. This returned value will be either logical interconnect or logical
interconnect template URI.
readonly: true
type: string
category: description: Resource category used for authorizations and resource type groupings
type: string
type: description: Identifies the resource type. This field must be set to 'EthernetInterconnectSettings'.
type: string
id: description: Ignore this because it is not needed, and it will be taken out later.
readonly: true
type: string
description: description: Brief description of the resource
type: string
stackingHealth: description: The stacking state between the interconnects in the logical interconnect is connected, biconnected or disconnected. Optional. Does not apply at the logical
interconnect group level
readonly: true
enum: Unknown
type: string
stackingMode: description: Stacking mode for the logical interconnect
enum: None
type: string
required: true
snmpConfiguration: description: The SNMP configuration for the logical interconnect group. Optional, if not supplied a default will be used