HP OneView REST API Reference

logical-interconnects.html[10/17/2013 10:35:29 AM]
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Response Description
LogicalInterconnect The requested logical interconnect resource
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Get the logical interconnect that matches ID 67fc1f1a-b52b-404a-bc60-6e18e75d90cf:
GET https://{appl}/rest/logical-interconnects/67fc1f1a-b52b-404a-bc60-6e18e75d90cf
URI: /rest/logical-interconnects/{id}/compliance
Method API
PUT Returns a logical interconnect to a consistent state. The current logical interconnect state is compared to the associated logical interconnect group. Any differences identified
are corrected, bringing the logical interconnect back to a consistent state. Changes are asynchronously applied to all managed interconnects. Note that if the changes
detected involve differences in the interconnect map between the logical interconnect group and the logical interconnect, the process of bringing the logical interconnect back
to a consistent state may involve automatically removing existing interconnects from management and/or adding new interconnects for management.
Parameter Attributes Description
Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Response Description
TaskResourceV2 An object that can be used to track the progress of the compliance operation to completion
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Return the logical interconnect with ID {id} to a consistent state:
PUT https://{appl}/rest/logical-interconnects/{id}/compliance
URI: /rest/logical-interconnects/{id}/firmware
Method API
PUT Installs firmware to a logical interconnect. The three operations that are supported for the firmware update are STAGE (uploads firmware to the interconnect), ACTIVATE
(installs firmware on the interconnect) and UPDATE (which does a STAGE and ACTIVATE in a sequential manner).
Parameter Attributes Description
force Optional If set to true, the operation completes even if there are network connectivity issues or resource errors. The default is false.
Attributes Description