HP OneView REST API Reference

datacenters.html[10/17/2013 10:35:40 AM]
Updated: October 16, 2013 4:37
API Specifications Create Read Update Delete
/rest/datacenters POST GET DELETE
/rest/datacenters/schema GET
/rest/datacenters/{id} GET PUT DELETE
/rest/datacenters/{id}/visualContent GET
Resource Model
HP OneView REST API Reference
The datacenters resource allows you to get the configuration data for one or more datacenters, create a datacenter, specify
the datacenter physical content, modify datacenter attributes, or delete a datacenter. A datacenter represents a physically
contiguous area in which racks containing IT equipment are located. You can create datacenters to describe a whole lab
floor or any portion of a computer room that provides a useful grouping to summarize your environment and its power and
thermal requirements. You can represent the layout of your datacenter and its content either using physically precise
measurements, or in a logical fashion using a simple grid. The placement information enables 3D visualization of the
datacenter layout. It also enables analysis of the temperatures in various regions of your datacenter to identify hotspots or
over-cooling. Describing the physical layout of racks in your datacenter simplifies locating specific devices for hands-on-
URI: /rest/datacenters
Method API
GET Gets a set of data center resources according to the specified parameters. Filters can be used to
get a specific set of data centers. With no filters specified, the API returns a potentially paginated
list of all the data center resources subject to start/count/sort parameters.
Parameter Attributes Description
start Optional The 0-based index of the first resource to return (start=0 starts
with the first available resource). If the specified count does not
return all resources within the maximum allowed time (see count),
use the start parameter to view additional resource pages. The
default value for start is 0 (first available resource).
count Optional Optional parameter that specifies the number of resources to return
from each API invocation. The number of resources returned on
each call is referred to as a page. If you specify a count, the API
attempts to return the specified number of resources, however this
may be limited due to response time constraints and/or actual
number of resources available to return. The results include the total
number of resources that match the filter or query, the actual
count returned, and the URIs to go to the next page, previous
page, or both. If necessary, you can make several requests using
the URI for the next or previous page (or different start
parameters) to get the desired count.
sort Optional The sort order of the returned data set. By default, the sort order is
based on the create time, with the oldest entry first.