HP OneView REST API Reference

datacenters.html[10/17/2013 10:35:40 AM]
Deletes the data center with id 123:
URI: /rest/datacenters/{id}/visualContent
Method API
GET Gets a list of visual content objects describing each rack within the data center. The response
aggregates data center and rack data with a specified metric (peak24HourTemp) to provide
simplified access to display data for the data center.
Parameter Attributes Description
metric Optional The metric name of the value to be returned for each rack resource. The
only supported metric is peak24HourTemp.
Attributes Description
REST API Request Headers NOTE: The X-API-Version header is required for all APIs. For the
current release, this must be set to "X-API-Version:3"
Response Description
VisualContent List of visual content objects.
Response Codes
REST API Response Codes
Gets information that enables visualization of the data center:
description: A data center object represents a facility used to house computer systems and
associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems.
Generally represents a contiguous area of racks containing IT equipment.
type: object
status: description: Overall health status of the resource. The following are the valid
values for the status of the resource:Unknown - should be avoided,
but there may be rare occasions where status is Unknown; OK -
indicates normal/informational behavior; Disabled - indicates that a
resource is not operational; Warning - needs attention soon; Critical -
needs immediate attention.
type: string
category: description: Resource category used for authorizations and resource type