HP OneView REST API Reference

power-devices.html[10/17/2013 10:35:43 AM]
Updated: October 16, 2013 4:37
API Specifications Create Read Update Delete
/rest/power-devices POST GET DELETE
/rest/power-devices/discover POST
/rest/power-devices/schema GET
/rest/power-devices/{id} GET PUT DELETE
/rest/power-devices/{id}/powerState GET PUT
/rest/power-devices/{id}/refreshState PUT
/rest/power-devices/{id}/uidState GET PUT
/rest/power-devices/{id}/utilization GET
Resource Model
HP OneView REST API Reference
Power delivery devices describe the electrical power delivery to IT equipment in the data center. A typical power topology in
a data center includes power delivery devices such as power feeds, breaker panels, branch circuits, rack power distribution
units (and their load segment, outlet bar, outlet components). When adding an HP Intelligent Power Distribution Unit (HP
iPDU), all intelligent components attached by HP Intelligent Power Discovery connections will be discovered as well (Load
Segments, HP AC Modules, Outlet Bars, Outlets, Enclosures and Servers). Once under management, the API enables you
to query/manage the locator light and outlet power (a supported by a specific iPDU component). Describing other power
delivery devices using this API enables power capacity and consumption analysis. This API allows you to get configuration
data for one or more power delivery devices, create a power delivery device, specify the power connections to the power
delivery device, modify power delivery device attributes, or delete a power delivery device. For IPDU components, you can
additionally query/manage the locator light (as supported by the specific iPDU component) and control the power of an HP
Intelligent Outlet.
URI: /rest/power-devices
Method API
GET Gets a set of power delivery device resources according to the specified parameters. Filters can
be used to get a specific set of power delivery devices. With no filters specified, the API returns a
potentially paginated list of all the power delivery device resources subject to start/count/sort
Parameter Attributes Description
start Optional The 0-based index of the first resource to return (start=0
starts with the first available resource). If the specified count
does not return all resources within the maximum allowed time
(see count), use the start parameter to view additional
resource pages. The default value for start is 0 (first available
count Optional Optional parameter that specifies the number of resources to
return from each API invocation. The number of resources
returned on each call is referred to as a page. If you specify a
count, the API attempts to return the specified number of
resources, however this may be limited due to response time