HP OneView REST API Reference

certificates.html[10/17/2013 10:36:02 AM]
Updated: October 16, 2013 4:04
API Specifications Create Read Update Delete
/rest/certificates POST GET PUT DELETE
/rest/certificates/ca GET
/rest/certificates/ca/crl GET
/rest/certificates/ca/{aliasName} DELETE
/rest/certificates/client/rabbitmq POST
/rest/certificates/client/rabbitmq/keypair/{aliasName} GET
/rest/certificates/client/rabbitmq/{aliasName} GET
/rest/certificates/https GET PUT
/rest/certificates/https/certificaterequest POST PUT
/rest/certificates/validator POST
/rest/certificates/{id} GET PUT DELETE
Resource Model
HP OneView REST API Reference
The certificates resource provides REST APIs to do the following: 1.Configure SSL certificates for secured communication
with the web server (httpd). The /certificates/https resource is a named context in which SSL certificates can be
created,retrieved and imported. The definition of that context includes specifications to generate,import and retrieve the self
signed or signed SSL certificates to be used by web server (httpd) for encrypted communication. For example, when using
this context, your request would always start with https://{appl}/rest/certificates/https. 2.The /rest/certificates resource also
provides REST APIs for configuration of SSL certificates for the appliance to establish SSL communication with other
managed network entities and User Directory Servers. The /rest/certificates is a named context in which the SSL
certificates can be imported, updated, retrieved and deleted. The definition of this context includes specifications to import,
update, retrieve and delete SSL certificates from the management appliance store. For example, when using this context,
your request would always proceed with the requests to https://{appl}/rest/certificates. All the calls are synchronous. 3. The
/rest/certificates/client/rabbitmq resource provides REST APIs to manage SSL client certificates for RabbitMq SSL Server.
4.The /rest/certificates/ca resource manages the internal Certificate Authority.
URI: /rest/certificates
Method API
GET Returns the list of the SSL certificates based on the filter criteria.
Parameter Attributes Description
start Optional The 0-based index of the first resource to return (start=0 starts
with the first available resource). If the specified count does not
return all resources within the maximum allowed time (see count),
use the start parameter to view additional resource pages. The
default value for start is 0 (first available resource).
count Optional Optional parameter that specifies the number of resources to return
from each API invocation. The number of resources returned on