HP OneView REST API Reference

server-profiles.html[10/17/2013 10:35:14 AM]
category: description: Resource category used for authorizations and resource type groupings
type: string
serverHardwareTypeUri: description: Identifies the server hardware type for which the Server Profile was designed. The
serverHardwareTypeUri is determined when the profile is created and cannot be
modified. Must not be a DL rack mount type.
type: string
searchable: true
format: URI
uuid: description: A 36-byte value that is exposed to the Operating System as the server hardware's
UUID. The value can be a virtual uuid, user defined uuid or physical uuid read from the
server's ROM. It cannot be modified after the profile is created.
type: string
searchable: true
firmware: description: Defines and enables firmware baseline management.
type: object
firmwareBaselineUri: description: Identifies the firmware baseline to be applied to the
server hardware. Server firmware is not modified if
'manageFirmware' is false.
type: string
searchable: true
format: URI
manageFirmware: description: Indicates that the server firmware is configured using the
server profile. Values include 'true' and 'false'.
type: boolean
boot: description: Determines the order in which boot will be attempted on the available devices.
type: object
manageBoot: description: Indicates whether the boot order is configured using the server
profile. Values include 'true' and 'false'.
type: boolean
order: description: Determines the order in which boot will be attempted on the available
devices. This is equivalent to the ProLiant IPL. Values include 'CD',
'Floppy', 'USB', 'HardDisk', and 'PXE'. It recommended that all
values are included.
minItems: 1
maxItems: 5
type: array
bios: description: Server BIOS settings.
default: false
type: object