HP OneView 1.05 User Guide

$uploadResponse = $rawUploadResponse | convertFrom-Json
if ($uploadResponse.status -eq "SUCCEEDED")
Write-Host "Upload complete."
return $uploadResponse
Write-Host $uploadResponse
Write-Host "Version of curl must support SSL to get improved upload performance."
return uploadTo-appliance-without-curl $filepath $authinfo $hostname $backupFile
catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException]
return uploadTo-appliance-without-curl $filepath $authinfo $hostname $backupFile
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Host "Not able to upload backup"
Write-Host $error[0].Exception
##### Upload the backup file to the appliance without using the curl command #####
function uploadTo-appliance-without-curl
Attempts to upload a backup to the appliance without using curl.
.PARAMETER filepath
The absolute filepath to the backup file.
.PARAMETER authinfo
The authorized session ID returned by the login request
.PARAMETER hostname
The appliance to connect to
.PARAMETER backupFile
The name of the file to upload. Only used to tell the server what file is contained in the post
None, does not accept piping
The response body to the upload post request.
$uploadResponse = uploadTo-appliance $filePath $sessionID $hostname $fileName
$uploadUri = "/rest/backups/archive"
$fullUploadUri = $hostname + $uploadUri
$uploadTimeout = 43200000 # 12 hours
$bufferSize = 65536 # bytes
[net.httpsWebRequest]$uploadRequest = [net.webRequest]::create($fullUploadUri)
$uploadRequest.method = "POST"
$uploadRequest.Timeout = $uploadTimeout
$uploadRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = $uploadTimeout
$uploadRequest.SendChunked = 1
$uploadRequest.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = 0
$uploadRequest.accept = "application/json"
$boundary = "----------------------------bac8d687982e"
$uploadRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------bac8d687982e"
$uploadRequest.Headers.Add("auth", $authinfo)
$uploadRequest.Headers.Add("X-API-Version", $global:scriptApiVersion)
$fs = New-Object IO.FileStream ($filepath,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
$rs = $uploadRequest.getRequestStream()
$rs.WriteTimeout = $uploadTimeout
$disposition = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file""; filename=""encryptedBackup"""
$conType = "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
[byte[]]$BoundaryBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("--" + $boundary + "`r`n");
[byte[]]$contentDisp = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($disposition + "`r`n");
C.2 Sample restore script 307