FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks SNMP Reference for Directors and Edge Switches Reference Guide (AA-RQ7BD-TE, June 2003)

15SNMP Reference for Directors and Edge Switches
Introduction to SNMP
Network management is a broad term, including workstation configuration,
assignment of IP addresses, network design, architecture, security, and topologies.
All this can fall within the scope of a network manager.
Any protocol for managing networks must allow virtually all network devices and
systems to communicate statistics and status information to network management
stations (network managers). This communication must be independent of the
primary network transmission medium and impose little effect on the efficiency of
the network. Network managers must be able to obtain status information from
managed devices, and make changes in the way the managed devices handle
network traffic. Network managers must be able to do this without knowing
anything about the managed device itself, management using the simple network
management protocol (SNMP) is one way of meeting these requirements.