HP Data Protector Software Cell Manager Failover Process (standby Cell Manager)

Moving the configuration files into place will activate all backup schedules
as they were configured on the production Cell Manager site(A) (after the
Cell Manager services are started). This may not be desirable during a
testing situation. To prevent site(B) from attempting to run the same backups
simultaneously as site(A), either disable each individual backup by way of
the GUI or delete all backup schedule files:
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Schedules\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\db2\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Informix\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Lotus\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Mailbox\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\MSESE\*
rm D:\Program
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\MSSQL\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\MSVSSW\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Oracle8\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\SAP\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\SAPDB\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Stream\*
rm D:\Program Files\OmniBack\Config\Server\Barschedules\Sybase\*
# rm /etc/opt/omni/server/schedules/*
# rm –R /etc/opt/omni/server/barschedules/*
3. Move the new license key file into place (required due to different Cell Manager IP address):
An alternate license codeword file site(B).lic.dat has been created on
site(A), which contains code words for site(B)’s IP address. This file is
copied to site(B) as part of the replication process. If either extra
licenses are purchased for site(A) or if the IP address of site(B) is
changed, new code words should be generated and added to this file.
4. On Windows, change the following registry key value from the (fully qualified) hostname of the
production Cell Manager to that of the alternate Cell Manager (site(B)):
5. On HP-UX 11.23, change the cell_server in/etc/opt/omni/client/cell_server from
the FQDN of the production Cell Manager to that of the standby Cell Manager.
Change site(A).yourdomain to site(B).yourdomain.
6. Change the Startup Type of the following services from Disabled to Automatic: