
HP Output Manager for SAP 9
Configuring the Dazel SAPconnect server
config_server -t sapcon -x "-sapcon-server-sid RFC
Destination -sapcon-logical-email-dest logicalemailName
-sapcon-logical-fax-dest logicalfaxName" serverName
where logicalemailName is the name of the logical e-mail destination in HP Output
Server and serverName is the name you choose for the Dazel SAPconnect server.
NOTE: The -sapcon-logical-fax-dest attribute is required
in this command, even though you are configuring the Dazel
SAPconnect server to submit e-mail messages to an e-mail
logical destination. Without the
-sapcon-logical-fax-dest attribute, the Dazel
SAPconnect server cannot start.
Configuring an existing Dazel SAPconnect server for e-mail
To modify the configuration of a Dazel SAPconnect server that was created after the
installation of Service Pack 03.5 on HP Output Server 3.3, HP Output Manager for
SAP, and HP Output Server 3.4.1 so that the server can submit documents to an e-mail
logical destination, use the following syntax with the config_server command:
config_server -u -t sapcon -x”-sapcon-server-sid RFC
Destination -sapcon-logical-email-dest logicalemailName
where RFC Destination is the SAPCON RFC destination and logicalemailName is the
name of the e-mail logical destination in HP Output Server and serverName is the name
of the Dazel SAPconnect server.
NOTE: In HP Output Manager for SAP with HP Output Server 3.3,
you can update an existing Dazel SAPconnect server with
this command only if the server was created after installing
Service Pack 03.5 on both products.
For information about the config_server command and a complete listing of HP
Output Server attributes, refer to the System Administrators Reference for HP Output
Server 3.3 or the System Administrators Attribute Reference and the System
Administrators Command Reference for HP Output Server 3.4.1.