HP XP7 for Compatible FlashCopy Mirroring User Guide (TK940-96001)

Viewing relationship states of Compatible FlashCopy SE
Using FQUERY to view relationship states
The FCQUERY command can be used to display information including the attributes set to the
devices specified by DEVN and the number of Compatible FlashCopy SE relationships established
with the specified devices.
The following example of the FCQUERY command requests information be displayed on on the
device numbered 1900.
Example 5 FCQUERY command description
The next example shows the information that is displayed by the FCQUERY command in
Example 5 “FCQUERY command description.
Example 6 FCQUERY command execution result
The information that is displayed by the FCQUERY Command (when using Compatible FlashCopy
SE) is the same as the information shown in Table 35 (page 63).
Using ICKDSF to view relationship states
Viewing information on FLASHCPY QUERY RELATIONS
To view information about the Compatible FlashCopy relationships in the specified volume, execute
the ICKDSF FLASHCPY QUERY RELATIONS command that is shown in the following example.
Example 7 FLASHCPY QUERY RELATIONS command execution
Following is an example of information that is displayed by executing the FLASHCPY QUERY
RELATIONS command:
96 Performing Compatible FlashCopy SE operations