TMS zl Module Release Notes ST.1.0.090213

Known Issues
Release ST.1.0.090213
PR_0000038228 — A misleading error occurs when the traffic selector's IP range starts or
ends with 255. Workaround: Correct the range.
PR_0000038229 — IPsec policy advanced settings are displayed incorrectly after the
default settings are changed and then edited in the Web browser interface.
PR_0000038231 — On the advanced settings screen (VPN > IPsec > IPsec Policies) Enable
fragment before IPsec cannot be disabled.
PR_0000038232 — Moving an IPsec policy to another position may not set it in the desired
position. Workaround: Delete the policy and add a new one in the correct position.
PR_0000038238 — A misleading error occurs when importing an invalid certificate file.
Workaround: Import a valid file.
PR_0000038240 — Cannot import IPsec Certificates (intermittently fails) from the Web
browser interface (VPN > Certificates > IPsec Certificates).
PR_0000038887 — VPN connections truncate local gateway addresses, preventing a user
from seeing all the information for an established tunnel.
High Availability (Active/Standby)
PR_0000007372 — From the TMS zl Module CLI, the high-availability command does not
accept CIDR notation.
ProCurve Switch 5406zl(tms-module-D:config)# high-availability ip
Invalid input:
PR_0000008257 — On the HA configuration page in the Web browser interface, if you
change the Multicast IP and then refresh the HA page, you lose your changes. You must save
and reboot for the changes to take effect.
PR_0000009541 — The switch Web browser interface config link directs a user to the HA
IP address instead of the TMS zl Module’s management IP address.
There are two TMS zl Modules setup in Active/Standby mode for High Availability
1. Open the switch management Web browser interface
2. Select the Configuration tab
3. In the Device View page in the Switch Web browser interface press the Details link on the
TMS Zl module.
Expected Results: the link should direct the user to the management IP address.
Actual Results: the link directs the user to the High Availability IP address.