TMS zl Module Release Notes ST.1.1.100330

Software Fixes in Releases ST.1.0.090213 - ST.1.1.100330
Release ST.1.0.090603
time="2009-04-01 11:41:59" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="ICMP:Error message
not allowed by firewall" srczone=INTERNAL src=
dstzone=EXTERNAL dst= proto=ICMP icmptype=3 subf-
amid=icmppacketanomaly mtype=attack mid=648 icmpcode=1
The severity has been changed to warning and the priority attribute has been changed from 1 to 4.
PR_39231 — Log message with message ID 643 is marked as critical but is not critical.
time="2009-04-15 09:25:53" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="ICMP: packet with
invalid sequence number appeared, packets dropped" srczone=INTERNAL
src= dstzone=INTERNAL dst= proto=ICMP icmp-
type=0 subfamid=icmppacketanomaly mtype=attack mid=643 icmpcode=0
PR_39235 — Log messages for message IDs of 655, 653, 612, 601,1356, 608, and 642 are
marked as critical are not critical
time="2009-04-15 10:18:02" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="IPROUTE: source ip
address is set to be broadcast ip, packets dropped" srczone=INTERNAL
src= srcport=0 dstzone=INTERNAL dst= dstport=0
proto=235 subfamid=routeanomaly mtype=attack mid=655
time="2009-04-15 10:20:22" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="FW: no protocol
option set in packet header, packets dropped" srczone=INTERNAL
src= dstzone=UNKNOWN_ZONE dst= proto=ICMP
subfamid=packetheaderanomaly mtype=attack duplicatecount=500
time="2009-04-15 10:19:55" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="FW: packet
checksum check failed, packets dropped" srczone=UNKNOWN_ZONE
src= srcport=0 dstzone=UNKNOWN_ZONE dst=
dstport=0 proto=244 subfamid=checksumanomaly mtype=attack mid=601
time="2009-04-15 10:17:15" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="IP fragment data-
length is not in units of 8 octets" srczone=UNKNOWN_ZONE src=
srcport=0 dstzone=UNKNOWN_ZONE dst= dstport=0 proto=0 subf-
amid=intergritycheck mtype=attack mid=1356
time="2009-04-15 10:20:00" severity=critical pri=1
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_l2l3_attack msg="FW: icmp header is
less than expected, packets dropped" srczone=EXTERNAL
src= dstzone=SELF dst= proto=ICMP subf-
amid=packetheaderanomaly mtype=attack mid=608