TMS zl Module Release Notes ST.1.1.100330

Software Fixes in Releases ST.1.0.090213 - ST.1.1.100330
Release ST.1.1.100330
PR_51483 — Enabling IP compression and disabling fragmentation causes a TMS crash in
Site-to-Site VPNs. Steps:
1. Configured site-site VPN tunnel with one host each end -
2. Host2 sends a large ping using: ping -s 64000.
TMS2 works fine, TMS1 fails.
The combination of ENABLE ip compression and DISABLE fragment before IPsec causes TMS2
problems for packets >= 24000 bytes in size.
Release ST.1.1.100330
The following problem was resolved in release ST.1.1.100330
PR_54398 — When updating to ST.1.1.100226, the DHCP Relay service will fail to start due to a
migration issue with the configuration file. DHCP Relay will not function correctly on ST.1.1.100226
regardless of whether DHCP Relay was ever enabled. Please update to ST.1.1.100330 (or greater) if
you require DHCP Relay.