TMS zl Module Release Notes ST.1.1.100330

Known Issues
Release ST.1.1.100226
A log message should not be generated for every packet drop unless logging is enabled per policy
so behavior is the same as other access policies.
PR_47431 — From time to time, the TMS zl Module may generate the following erroneous
log message:
time="2009-11-03 16:21:15" severity=major pri=2
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=system_error msg="Socket sendto failed"
srczone=SELF dstzone=SELF errortype=memory_allocation subfamid=socke-
terror mtype=syserr mid=4562
PR_50209 — Log messages with mid=615, 1350, 1355, 624, 621, 605 are not critical but classified
as critical.
msg: FW: sctp packet header is less than expected, packets dropped
msg: IP header received without any data
msg: FW: icmp echo packet with invalid length, packets dropped
msg: IP header checksum failed
msg: FW: gre packet header length is less than expected, packets dropped
msg: MCAST: icmp packet type is unknown, packets dropped
PR_50433 — When DHCP is used as the IP address acquisition method for VLANs, the TMS
zl Module can take a long time to reboot as it has to acquire an IP address for each VLAN
serially. The worst case time is 28 minutes to reboot with 254 VLANs
PR_51204 — The Web browser interface for Port Triggers allows a Port Trigger Policy Name
to accept invalid characters
PR_51215 — In the Web browser interface under Network > Zones > Management Access,
when user clicks Apply, changes to the loading graphic never stops, as if the changes were
still loading, even when the changes have been applied. This behavior occurs with IE6. Steps:
1. Clear cache, cookies and browser's temp files.
2. Open the TMS zl Module Web browser interface and go to Network > Zones > Management
3. Make any change to the Management Access and click Apply My changes.
The loading icon never stops, as if changes were still being applied.
PR_51704 — Once a Web-authenticated firewall user has provided a valid
username/password, the TMS zl Module uses the source IP address to map subsequent
packets from that address to the user. If an intermediate infrastructure device could
potentially map multiple IP addresses to a single IP address (such as a Web proxy or NAT
device), the TMS zl Module cannot distinguish one user from another. For proper operation
of the user authentication feature of the firewall, be sure to maintain source IP address
integrity for the users that require that feature.
1. User logon to TMS zl Module