TMS zl Module Release Notes ST.1.1.100330

Known Issues
Release ST.1.1.100226
PR_45757 — The spinning icon in the bottom left hand corner of the Firewall - Schedule
dialog does not show when adding/editing a schedule.
PR_47774 — A GRE tunnel name limited to 10 characters, which is not enough for a good
descriptive name.
PR_47952 — IPsec Certificates Signing Requests are not being saved or restored. Steps to
1. Launch TMS zl Module app
2. Go to the VPN section
3. Select the Certificates link
4. Go to the IPsec Certificates tab
5. Click Generate Certificate Request
6. Click the Save link to save the configuration
7. Make a backup of the configuration
8. Restore default configuration of the TMS zl Module
9. Restore to the previously saved configuration
10. Verify that the IPsec Certificates are properly restored
Actual certificates are saved and restored, but Certificate Signing Requests are not.
PR_48372 — VPN traffic can be denied without a proper log message. Unfortunately, the
log messages are confusing:
time="2009-11-18 18:22:36" severity=warning pri=5
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=fw_access_control ruleid=125 msg="FW: VPN
inbound processing deny, packets dropped" srczone=EXTERNAL
src= srcport=60 dstzone=INTERNAL dst= dstport=60
proto=UDP rcvd=0 rcvdsc=0 sent=138592 sentsc=0 ruleaction=permit
srcnatport=0 destnatport=0 destnatipaddr= rulepos=1 ruledsc="1
access-policy INTERNAL EXTERNAL permit any any any (ID: 125)" subf-
amid=accessdeny rulefromzone=INTERNAL ruletozone=EXTERNAL
mtype=access_control duplicatecount=500 mid=620 srcnatipaddr=
time="2009-11-18 18:22:36" severity=info pri=6
fw=ProCurve-TMS-zl-Module id=vpn_ipsecipv4 msg="IPsec APPLY policy has
been configured for the received plain packet. Closing the Firewall
connection" src= srcport=0 dst= dstport=0 proto=UDP
policyid=3 subfamid=ipsecv4accesscontrol mtype=ipsecv4 duplicate-
count=500 mid=6560