HP Remote Graphics Software 5.4.0 User Guide

Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.Quality=int 65
Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.Quality.IsMutable=bool 1
This property sets the image quality in the Remote Display Window, and can be set to a value from 0
to 100. A value of 100 is the highest image while 0 is the lowest image quality. Under most
circumstances, the default value of 65 will be sufficient. Lower values of
Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.Quality will typically reduce RGS bandwidth requirements on the network. If
the Sender property, Rgsender.ImageCodec.Preferred, is set to Rgsender.ImageCodec.Preferred=JPEG-
LS, the Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.Quality property is ignored.
NOTE: Even with an image quality of 100, RGS still performs image compression to reduce the
network bandwidth requirements. While the image on the Receiver will usually appear visually lossless
to the user at an image quality of 100, the actual image data sent over the network from the Sender to
the Receiver will be “lossy” to a limited extent. The exception is the Sender codec JPEG-LS which is
mathematically lossless. See
Sender general properties on page 176 for more information.
Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.IsBoostEnabled=bool 1
Rgreceiver.ImageCodec.IsBoostEnabled.IsMutable=bool 1
This property was added beginning with RGS 5.2.6, and requires that both the RGS Sender and
Receiver be version 5.2.6 or later. Setting the property to 1 will improve (boost) image quality for
certain types of images, namely those images containing significant amounts of text or lines. Because of
the high contrast ratio between adjacent pixels, such images often don’t compress well. When this
property is set to 1, such high contrast cases will be compressed in a manner to better preserve their
visual quality, but at the possible expense of higher network bandwidth and/or lower image update
rates. The default value is 1—image quality will be improved.
This property affects the setting of the Boost checkbox as described in
Remote Display Window Toolbar
on page 91.
8.5.13 Auto Launch session properties
These properties are per-session (per-connection) properties. If, for example, the user wants to auto
connect to various Remote Computers, these properties can be used to specify the properties of each of
the various Remote Display Windows on the Local Computer. A .rgreceiver file is required for each
Remote Computer. These properties contain the parameter <N> which currently must be set to 0 in
the .rgreceiver file. The .rgreceiver file may also contain Window size and placement properties. For
example, the name of the Sender system is specified by the property Rgreceiver.Session.0.Hostname.
Auto Launch on page 104 for general details. Only a single instance of the RGS Receiver is
currently supported. Any existing connection to a Remote Computer must be closed prior to Auto
Launching another connection. To connect to multiple Remote Computers simultaneously, see
Directory Mode on page 149 .
NOTE: These properties are used only on Microsoft Windows, control automatic connection to the
Remote Computer and do not have default settings.
This property specifies whether the Receiver should automatically try to connect on start-up via an
associated file event.
The hostname or IP address as a utf8 encoded string, to use if automatically connecting on start-up.
172 Chapter 8 RGS properties ENWW