HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform Manager Command Line Interface User Guide (5697-0936, May 2011)

NOTE: If you need to know the name of the individual snapshots on every virtual disk in the
virtual disk group in advance (for example, for subsequently mounting these snapshots in the script),
you must follow the guidelines below. In such cases, the name of the created individual snapshots
is built from the virtual disk name and the disk group snapshot name. For example, for a virtual
disk vol01 and a virtual disk group view name of BK_snapshot, the name of the created snapshot
is vol01BK_snapshot.
In order to ensure this, follow these guidelines:
Do not use the TEMPLATE flag for the snapshot name.
The total length of the virtual disk name plus the snapshot name must not exceed 31 characters.
The snapshot name must be unique (virtual disk group snapshots that were created with this
name on the group's virtual disks must not exist).
If you delete a previously created virtual disk group snapshot with the same name, just before
invoking this command, and if the new individual snapshot names are not as expected, this
means some of the individual snapshots on the virtual disks had not been completely deleted.
In such cases, a small delay (60 seconds) should be added (with the Pause command) before
invoking this CLI command.
CreateVDGroupSnapshotOnLastPiT command
CreateVDGroupSnapshotOnLastPiT -Group VDGroupName, ~
[ -Type Any | MV | UserPiT ,] ~
-snapshot SnapshotName [TEMPLATE], ~
-host HostName1 RW|OFF, [-host HostName2 RW|OFF, ...] ~
-StoragePool PoolName, -cluster 0|1, -timeout 900
Creates a snapshot on the virtual disk group's most recently created PiT. The PiT name is not
specified, but the PiT type can be specified.
The -Type specifies the type of the last PiT to use:
Any: Any PiT
MV: Snapshot PiT
UserPiT: Asynchronous mirror user PiT
If -Type is not specified, the last PiT is used (like the Any option).
If [TEMPLATE] is used, the name of the object must be less than 16 characters long.
The -host argument is considered optional by the VSM API, but is required by the VSM
(returns an error).
DeleteVDGroup command
DeleteVDGroup -Group VDGroupName
Deletes a virtual disk group. This command will not delete the group's virtual disk.
CLI command guidance 39