HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

CommentsDescriptionProperty Name
Enumeration indicating which
ModifySynchronization operations are
supported by this instance of
StorageReplicationCapabilities. The supported
values are:
2 ("Detach")
3 ("Fracture")
4 ("Resync")
5 ("Restore")
6 ("Prepare")
7 ("Unprepare")
8 ("Quiesce")
9 ("Unquiesce")
10 ("Reset To Sync")
11 ("Reset To Async")
12 ("Start Copy")
13 ("Stop Copy")
{2 ("Detach"), 4 ("Resync")}
Indicates host access restrictions for replicas
with these capabilities. The supported values
2 ("Not Accessible") - not accessible.
3 ("No Restrictions") - no restrictions. Any
host may access.
4 ("Source Hosts Only") - only accessible
by associated source element hosts.
5 ("Source Hosts Excluded") - not access-
ible by source element hosts. Other hosts
3 ("No Restrictions"). Any host
may access.
Lists the replica synchronization states in which
the host is allowed access to replicas.
Accessibility does not guarantee replica
contents are valid or consistent. The supported
values are:
2 ("Initialized")
3 ("Prepare In Progress")
4 ("Prepared")
5 ("Resync In Progress")
6 ("Synchronized")
7 ("Fracture In Progress")
8 ("Quiesce In Progress")
9 ("Quiesced")
10 ("Restore In Progress")
11 ("Idle")
12 ("Broken")
13 ("Fractured")
14 ("Frozen")
15 ("Copy In Progress")
11 ("Idle")HostAccessibleState
Copy Services Profile234