HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

CommentsDescriptionProperty Name
This describes the state of the association with
respect to replication activity. The supported values
2 ("Initialized") - The link to enable replication
is established and source/replica elements are
associated, but the Copy engine has not star-
3 ("PrepareInProgress") - Preparation for replic-
ation is in progress and the Copy engine has
4 ("Prepared") - All necessary preparation has
5 ("ResyncInProgress") - Synchronization or
resynchronization is in progress. This may be
the initial 'copy' or subsequent changes being
6 ("Synchronized") - An async or sync replica-
tion is currently synchronized. When this value
is set, SyncMaintained will be true.
7 ("Fracture In Progress") - An operation to
fracture an async or sync replication is in pro-
8 ("QuiesceInProgress") - A quiesce operation
is in progress.
9 ("Quiesced") - The replication has been qui-
esced and is ready for a change.
10 ("Restore In Progress") - An operation is in
progress to copy the synced object to the sys-
tem object.
11 ("Idle") - The 'normal' state for an UnSyn-
cAssoc replica.
12 ("Broken") - The relationship is non-function-
al due to errors in the source, the target, the
path between the two or space constraints
13 ("Fractured") - An async or sync replication
is fractured.
14 ("Frozen") - All blocks copied from source
to an UnSyncAssoc replica and the copy en-
gine is stopped.
15 ("Copy In Progress") - A deferred back-
ground copy operation is in progress to copy
the source to the replica target for an UnSyn-
cAssoc association.
Normal ==> 6 ("Syn-
Snapsync ==> 5 ("Re-
DominoFail ) ==> 13
Partial ==> 12
The point in time that the elements were
Indicates whether synchronization is maintained.
tails.GroupStatus == Nor-
mal ==>true Else, false
SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide 249