HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

This class represents the sync mirror task group. The affected task elements are themselves ConcreteJob
instances. These concrete jobs represent the jobs within the task group.
Associates this MultiApp task group to the children of concrete jobs.
Produce the list of sync mirror task groups.
Fetch the task
Delete the instance
Class keys/properties
CommentsDescriptionProperty Name
Unique identifier of instances of this
class in the scoping namespace.
string InstanceID
User-friendly name for this job.string Name
Set the OpSt element as follows:
2 "OK"
4 "Stressed"
6 "Error"
If GroupStatus == 8
"SmGroupHostAbsentFailed", then
set OpSt = 6 "Error"
uint16[] OperationalStatus
4 "Running"
10 "Exception"
uint16 JobState
Percentage of the task that has
been completed.
uint16 PercentComplete
The VSM implementation deletes
jobs on its own. The client may de-
lete the task.
Set value to TRUEboolean DeleteOnCompletion
The length of time that the job in-
stance is retained after it has fin-
ished executing. The Time-
BeforeRemoval should be five
minutes, but that depends on the
support provided by VSM.
Set value to
datetime TimeBeforeRemoval
Job Control Profile290