HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

uint32 GetSupportedSizes
Method Overview
This method returns the sizes of the component extents of the StoragePool on which the method is
called. This method shall only be supported on the primordial StoragePool. The component extents
whose references are returned are those that are not assigned to a concrete StoragePool or a composite
StorageExtent (stripe set), or are remaining StorageExtents.
Method parameters
INIgnored. ElementType is determined by the Goal parameteruint16
If this value is null, the method uses the default HPSVSP_Prim-
ordialPoolSetting instance.
If not NULL, the passed in StorageSetting reference must
represent an instance of HPSVSP_PrimordialPoolSetting with
the following values:
DataRedundancyGoal = HPSVSP_PrimordialPoolStorage-
Cap abilities.DataRedundancyDefault (= 1)
PackageRedundancyGoal = HPSVSP_PrimordialStorage-
Capabili ties.PackageRedundancyDefault (= 0)
ExtentStripeLength must not be null
If the Goal.ExtentStripeLength == 1 then the Goal is assumed
to be used to create an HPSVSP_ConfiguredPool.
If the Goal.ExtentStripeLength > 1 then the Goal is assumed
to be used to create an HPSVSP_StripeSet.
ting REF
The sizes returned represent the sizes of available extents as
For Goal.ExtentStripeLength = 1, the size of every unused
HPSVSP_ImportedExtent and HPSVSP_StripeSet is returned.
For Goal.ExtentStripeLength > 1, the method return sizes
of available HPSVSP_ImportedExtent only.
The method will return the size of a given HPSVSP_ImportedEx-
tent only if there are enough same sized extents to meet the
Goal.ExtentStripeLength. For example: Suppose there are 5
available primordial extents, 3 extents of 50 GB and 2 extents
of 100 GB. If the Goal.ExtentStripeLength is 3 then the sizes
returned will be [50 GB, 50 GB, 50 GB] since there are 3
back-end LUs of the same size. If the Goal.ExtentStripeLength
is 2, then [50 GB, 50 GB, 50 GB, 100 GB, 100 GB] will be
returned. If the Goal.ExtentStripeLength is 4, the empty array
is returned.
Block Services Package58