Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Cluster and Package Maintenance
Reconfiguring a Cluster
Chapter 7274
As of Serviceguard A.11.18, you can change MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES
while the cluster is running. The default for MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES
is the maximum number allowed in the cluster. You can use
Serviceguard Manager to change MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES, or
Serviceguard commands as shown below.
Use the cmgetconf command to obtain a current copy of the cluster's
existing configuration, for example:
cmgetconf -C <cluster_name> clconfig.ascii
Edit the clconfig.ascii file to include the new value for
MAX_CONFIGURED_PACKAGES. Then use the cmcheckconf command to
verify the new configuration. Using the -k or -K option can significantly
reduce the response time.
Use the cmapplyconf command to apply the changes to the configuration
and send the new configuration file to all cluster nodes. Using -k or -K
can significantly reduce the response time.