Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Eighth Edition, March 2008

Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster
Hardware Planning
Chapter 4 97
LAN Information
While a minimum of one LAN interface per subnet is required, at least
two LAN interfaces are needed to eliminate single points of network
HP recommends that you configure heartbeats on all subnets, including
those to be used for client data.
Collect the following information for each LAN interface:
Subnet Name
Enter the IP address for the subnet. Note that
heartbeat IP addresses must be on the same subnet on
each node.
Interface Name
Enter the name of the LAN card as used by this node to
access the subnet. This name is shown by ifconfig
after you install the card.
IP Address
Enter this node’s host IP address intended to be used
on this interface.
An IPv4 address is a string of 4 digits separated with
decimals, in this form:
An IPV6 address is a string of 8 hexadecimal values
separated with colons, in this form:
For more details of IPv6 address format, see the
Appendix E, “IPv6 Network Support,” on page 373.