Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Building a Continental Cluster
Building the ContinentalClusters Configuration
Chapter 5 225
#### Enter the name of each package recovery group together
with ####
#### the fully qualified names of the primary and recovery
#### packages. If appropriate, enter the fully qualified
name ####
#### of a data receiver package. Note that the data
receiver ####
#### package must be on the same cluster as the recovery
package. ####
## ##
#### The primary package name includes the primary cluster
name ####
#### followed by a slash ("/") followed by the package name
on ####
#### the primary cluster. The recovery package name
includes ####
#### the recovery cluster name, followed by a slash ("/")
#### followed by the package name on the recovery cluster.
#### The data receiver package name includes the recovery
cluster ####
#### name, followed by a slash ("/") followed by the name
of ####
#### the data receiver package on the recovery cluster.
## ##
# # # # U p t o 2 9 r e c o v e r y g r o u p s c a n b e e n t e r e d .
## ##
## ## Exa mple :
## ##
# # # # R E C O V E R Y _ G R O U P _ N A M E n f s g r o u p
#### PRIMARY_PACKAGE westcoast/nfspkg
#### DATA_SENDER_PACKAGE westcoast/nfssenderpkg
#### RECOVERY_PACKAGE eastcoast/nfsbackuppkg