Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Building a Continental Cluster
Building the ContinentalClusters Configuration
Chapter 5 227
comments in the file excerpt below for a list of destination types).
Note that the message text in the notification must be on a separate
line in the file.
3. If the event is for a cluster in an Unreachable condition, define a
CLUSTER_ALARM at appropriate times. Specify the elapsed time since
the appearance of the event (greater than the time used for the last
CLUSTER_ALERT), and include a NOTIFICATION message that
indicates what action should be taken. You can create as many
alarms as needed, and you can send as many notifications as you
wish to different destinations (see the comments in the file excerpt
below for a list of destination types).
4. If you are using a monitor on a cluster containing no recovery
packages define alerts for the monitoring of Up, Down, Unreachable,
and Error states on the recovery cluster. It is not necessary to define
A printout of Section 3 of the ContinentalClusters ASCII configuration
file follows.
## ##
#### Section 3. Monitoring Definitions
## ##
#### This section of the file contains monitoring
definitions. ####
#### Well planned monitoring definitions will help in
making the ####
#### decision whether or not to issue the cmrecovercl(1m)
command. ####
#### Each monitoring definition specifies a cluster event
along with ####
#### the messages that should be sent to system
administrators ####
#### or other IT staff. All messages are appended to the
default log ####
#### /var/adm/cmconcl/eventlog as well as being sent to
the ####
# # # # d e s t i n a t i o n y o u s p e c i f y b e l o w .
## ##