Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Building a Continental Cluster
Building the ContinentalClusters Configuration
Chapter 5228
#### A cluster event takes place when a monitor that is
located on ####
#### one cluster detects a significant change in the
condition ####
#### of another cluster. The monitored cluster conditions
are: ####
## ##
#### UNREACHABLE - the cluster is unreachable. This
will ####
#### occur when the communication link to the
#### cluster has gone down, as in a WAN
failure, ####
# # # # o r w h e n t h e a l l n o d e s i n t h e c l u s t e r h a v e
## ## fa il ed .
## ##
#### DOWN - the cluster is down but nodes are
responding. ####
#### This will occur when the cluster is
halted, ####
#### but some or all of the member nodes are
booted ####
#### and communicating with the monitoring
cluster. ####
## ##
## ## U P - t he c l u s te r i s u p.
## ##
#### ERROR - there is a mismatch of cluster versions
or ####
## ## a s e c u ri t y e r ror.
## ##
#### A change from one of these conditions to another one
is a ####
#### cluster event. You can define alert or alarm states
based on the ####
#### length of time since the cluster event was observed.