Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Building a Continental Cluster
Building the ContinentalClusters Configuration
Chapter 5 233
cmrecovercl(1m) ####
#### command for immediate execution.
## ##
#### NOTIFICATION <type>
#### <message>
#### A string value which is sent from
the ####
# # # # m o n i t o r i n g c l u s t e r f o r a g i v e n e v e n t
#### to a specified destination. The
<message>, ####
#### which can be no more than 170
characters, ####
#### is also appended to
the ####
#### /var/adm/cmconcl/eventlog
#### file on the monitoring node in the
cluster ####
# # # # w h e r e t h e e v e n t w a s d e t e c t e d .
## ##
## ## Exa mple :
## ##
# # # # M O N I T O R I N G _ C L U S T E R e a s t c o a s t
## ## CL US T E R _ AL E RT 5 M I N UT E S
#### "westcoast unreachable for 5 min. Call secondary
site." ####
#### "Call primary admin. (555) 555-6666."