Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

ContinentalClusters Command and Daemon Reference
Appendix D426
Declares an alternate location for the
configuration file. The default
cmreadlog -f input_file [output_file]
This command formats the content of Object Manager
and other log files for easier reading. The command is
used when reading the /var/opt/cmom/cmomd.log file
and the /var/adm/cmconcl/sentryd.log file.
Options are:
-f input_file
Specifies the name of the managed
object file (MOF file) to be read. This
is a required parameter.
output_file The name of a file to which the
formatted output is written. If no file
is specified, output is written to
cmrecovercl [-f]
This command performs the recovery actions necessary
start the recovery groups on current cluster. Care
should be taken before issuing this command. It is
important to contact the primary cluster site to
determine if recovery is necessary prior to running this
This command can be issued from any node on the
recovery cluster. This command first connects to the
ContinentalClusters monitoring package running on
the recovery cluster. This may be a different cluster
node than where the cmrecovercl command is being
run. cmrecovercl connects to the monitoring package
to verify that the primary cluster is in an Unreachable
or Down state. If the primary cluster is reachable and
the cluster is Up, this command will fail. Next, the
data receiver packages on the recovery cluster (if any)
are halted sequentially. Finally, the recovery packages
are started on the recovery cluster. The recovery