Designing Disaster Tolerant High Availability Clusters, 10th Edition, March 2003 (B7660-90013)

Building a Metropolitan Cluster Using MetroCluster/CA
Preparing an MC/ServiceGuard Cluster for MetroCluster /CA
Chapter 3 97
11. Repeat these steps on each host that will run this particular
application package. If a host may run more than one application
package, you must incorporate device group and host information for
each of these packages. Note that the Raid Manager configuration
file must be different for each host, especially for the HORCM_MON and
HORCM_INST fields.
12. The HORCM_MON section of the file is unique for each node in all
clusters that are attached to an XP Series disk array. Enter the host
name or IP address followed by the name of the Raid Manager
instance that is monitoring the MetroCluster packages on that node
(horcm0 in the current example).
13. If you have not already done so, use the paircreate command to
create the device groups that are listed in the Raid Manager
configuration files. See the Raid Manager Users Guide or view the
man page for paircreate for more information. Example:
# paircreate -g db_payroll -f data -vl -c15
WARNING Paired devices must be of compatible sizes and types.
Sample Raid Manager Configuration File
The following is an example of a Raid Manager configuration file for one
node (ftsys1).
# horcm0.conf.ftsys1
# - This is an example Raid Manager configuration file for node ftsys1.
# Note that this configuration file is for Raid Manager instance 0,
# which can be determined by the "0" in the filename "horcm0.conf".
# Whenever this configuration file is changed, you must stop and restart the
# instance of Raid Manager before the changes will be recognized. This can be
done using the following commands:
# <instance>
# <instance>
# After restarting the Raid Manager instance, you should confirm that there
# are no configuration errors reported by running the pairdisplay command