HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

Table 30 Legal Package Scripts (continued)
DescriptionScript Name
user configuration data. This file will be included (that is, sourced) by the
toolkit main script hatomcat.sh.
This script contains a list of internal-use variables and functions that support
the start and stop of a Tomcat instance. This script will be called by the Toolkit
Interface Script to do the following:
Main Script (hatomcat.sh)
On package start; it starts the Tomcat server instance.
On package stop; it stops the Tomcat server instance.
This script contains a list of internal variables and functions that supports
monitoring of a Tomcat instance. Monitoring functionality will be initiated by
calling the toolkit interface script with the "monitor" parameter.
Monitor Script (hatomcat.mon)
This script is an interface between the Serviceguard package control script
and the toolkit main script (hatomcat.sh).
Interface Script (toolkit.sh)
Toolkit User Configuration
All the user configuration variables are kept in a single file hatomcat.conf in shell script format.
The variable names and their sample values are given below in Table 31 (page 119):
Table 31 User Configuration Variables
DescriptionUser Configuration Variables
This is the base directory where HP Tomcat web server is installed. By default
HP Tomcat is installed in the directory /opt/hpws22/tomcat and hence this
is also the default value.
CATALINA_HOME (for example,
This variable holds the specific configuration file path of a Tomcat server
instance. Each Tomcat instance must have its own configuration directory that
CATALINA_BASE (for example,
contains its own server configuration file (server.xml). The Tomcat server
default server root directory is "/opt/hpws22/tomcat". However, to have
multiple instances running in a cluster, set a value for this variable.
This is the base directory of Java Development kit. This software is a
prerequisite for running Tomcat.
JAVA_HOME (for example,
This variable will enable or disable maintenance mode for the Tomcat package.
By default, this is set to "yes". In order to disable this feature,
MAINTENANCE_FLAG (for example,
MAINTENANCE_FLAG should be set to "no". When Tomcat needs to be
maintained the file, <package directory>/tomcat.debug needs to be
touched. During this maintenance period, the tomcat process monitoring is
paused. Even if the tomcat instance is brought down, the package will not be
failed over to the adoptive node. To continue monitoring and turning off
maintenance mode, remove the tomcat.debug file. It is the user's
responsibility to ensure that the tomcat instance is running properly after the
maintenance phase.
NOTE: Setting MAINTENANCE_FLAG to "yes" and touching the
tomcat.debug file in the package directory will put the package in toolkit
maintenance mode. Serviceguard A.11.19 release has a new feature which
allows individual components of the package to be maintained while the
package is still up. This feature is called Package Maintenance mode and is
available only for modular packages. For more information using Package
Maintenance mode, see Modular package support in Serviceguard for Linux
and ECM Toolkits available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs
—>HP Serviceguard Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit.
This is the tomcat server listening port. This should be as same as the port
configured in the Tomcat configuration file $CATALINA_BASE/conf/
MONITOR_PORT (for example:
server.xml. The toolkit checks the existence of the Tomcat process by
periodically checking whether this port is listening. If multiple instances of
Setting up The Toolkit 119