HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

1. On package start-up, it starts the Sybase ASE instance and launches the monitor process.
2. On package halt, it stops the Sybase ASE instance and monitor process.
This script also contains the functions for monitoring the Sybase ASE instance. By default,
only the "€˜dataserver€" process of ASE is monitored. This process is contained in the
Sybase Package Configuration Example
Package Setup and Configuration
Assuming Sybase ASE is already installed in its default home directory (for example,
/home/sybase), perform the following steps to make necessary directories shareable by
all clustered nodes.
Follow the instructions in the chapter Building an HA Cluster Configuration in the
Managing ServiceGuard manual available at http://www.hp.com/go/
hpux-serviceguard-docs —>HP Serviceguard manual to create a logical volume
infrastructure on a shared disk. The disk must be available to all clustered nodes that will
be configured to run this database instance. Create a file system to hold the necessary
configuration information and symbolic links to the Sybase ASE executables. This file
system will be used as SYBASE_HOME in the package control scripts. Since the volume
group and file system have to be uniquely named within the cluster, use the name of the
database instance ($ASE_SERVER) in the name. Assuming the name of the database is
'SYBASE0', follow the instructions in the "Managing Serviceguard" manual ("Building
an HA Cluster Configuration") to create the following:
/dev/vg0_SYBASE0 (the volume group)
/dev/vg0_SYBASE0/lvol1 (the logical volume)
/dev/vg0_SYBASE0/lvol1 (the filesystem) mounted at /SYBASE0
2. Assuming Sybase ASE is installed in /home/sybase; create symbolic links to all
subdirectories under /home/sybase with the exception of the dbs directory (dbs contains
important instance configuration files, and should reside in the shared storage in
${ASE_SERVER}, for example, /SYBASE0/dbs).
3. Test the set up to ensure Sybase ASE can be properly brought up.
Repeat this step on all other clustered nodes to be configured to run the package to ensure
Sybase ASE can be brought up and down successfully.
4. Create the Serviceguard package using modular package method
Create a package configuration file (SYBASE0.conf) as follows:
cmmakepkg -m ecmt/sybase/sybase -p SYBASE0.conf
The configuration file should be edited as indicated by the comments in that file. The
package name needs to be unique within the cluster. For clarity, use the $ASE_SERVER
to name the package "package_name <ASE_SERVER>"
The Serviceguard package configuration file (SYBASE0.conf)
Described below are some examples of modifications to the Serviceguard package
configuration file, which need to made to customize your environment.
For example:
package_name SYBASE0
List the names of the clustered nodes to be configured to run the package, using the node_name
node_name node1
node_name node2
Sybase Package Configuration Example 65