HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

After waiting for a few minutes, check for the existence of DB2 processes (there should be
several, identified by "db2") ps -ef | grep db2. Bring the database down, unmount, and
deactivate the volume group.
./toolkit.sh stop
umount /mnt/payroll
vgchange -a n /dev/vg0_payroll
Repeat this step on all other clustered nodes to be configured to run the package to ensure
DB2 can be brought up and down successfully.
NOTE: Following section below describe the methods for creating Serviceguard package
using the modular and legacy method. For more information on creating Serviceguard package
using modular method, see white paper Modular package support in Serviceguard for Linux
and ECM Toolkits available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs —>HP
Serviceguard Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit.
78 Using the DB2 database Toolkit in a Serviceguard Cluster in HP-UX