HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

Table 19 User Variables in hamysql.conf file (continued)
DescriptionFile name
NOTE: If DATA_DIRECTORY is used, my.cnf MUST reside in the
DATA_DIRECTORY location. This directory is also used as the data
directory for this instance of the database server.
This is the path where PID file for the MySQL daemon is created for
the Parent PID. If this variable is defined, it overrides the "pid-file"
defined in the MySQL configuration file my.cnf. The PID identified
in this file is monitored by the toolkit monitor, "hamysql.mon".
This variable will enable or disable maintenance mode for the MySQL
package. By default this is set to "yes". In order to disable this feature
MAINTENANCE_FLAG (for example,
MAINTENANCE_FLAG should be set to "no". When MySQL needs
to be maintained, the file <package directory>/mysql.debug
needs to be touched. During this maintenance period, the MySQL
process monitoring is paused. Even if the MySQL instance is brought
down the package will not be failed over to the adoptive node. To
continue monitoring and turn off maintenance mode, you should
remove the mysql.debugfile. The user should ensure that the
MySQL instance is running properly before exiting the maintenance
phase, since monitoring of the instance will resume once out of the
maintenance phase.
This variable is recommended to be set to "0". This will multiply the
SERVICE_RESTART of the MySQL package service (monitor).
For example, If the package service is set to SERVICE_RESTART = 2
& RETRY_TIMES=2 then actual retries = (SERVICE_RESTART + 1) *
This is the interval at which hamysql.mon will monitor the process
with PID in the PID_FILE (mysqld parent process).
The time unit granularity is seconds. So, setting MONITOR_INTERVAL=5 means the parent process
is monitored every 5 seconds.
Package Configuration File and Control Script
The following steps identify the changes needed to the Serviceguard package configuration file
and control script templates to customize them for your specific configuration. This information was
extracted from the chapter entitled "Configuring Packages and Their Services" of the Managing
ServiceGuard manual available at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs —>HP
Serviceguard manual. For detailed information on configuring and managing a package, please
refer to the "Managing Serviceguard" manual.
The following parameters are either in the configuration file or control script as identified below,
and must be manually edited for your unique environment. In the followingTable 20 (page 92),
values are assigned for a package named "mysql_1".
Table 20 Package Configuration File Parameters
DescriptionConfiguration file
Parameter Name [configuration
file parameters]
# Package Namemysql_1PACKAGE_NAME
# nodes that can run the packagenode1, node2NODE_NAME NODE_NAME
Script to start up the service<control script>RUN_SCRIPT
# Script to halt the service<control script>HALT_SCRIPT
# Service Name"mysql_monitor"SERVICE_NAME
92 Using MySQL Toolkit in a HP Serviceguard Cluster