HP Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit User Guide (5900-2131, December 2011)

7. Ensure both root and mysql users have read, write, and execute permissions for the package
8. Distribute the package directory to all nodes in the cluster.
9. Apply the Serviceguard package configuration using the command cmapplyconf -P
10. Enable package switching for MySQL package using:
cmmodpkg -e -n node1 -n node2 mysql_1
cmmodpkg -e mysql_1
11. The package should now be running. If it is not, start the package by issuing the cmrunpkg
cmrunpkg mysql_1
Repeat these procedures to create multiple MySQL instances running in the Serviceguard
Database Maintenance
There might be situations, when the MySQL database has to be taken down for maintenance
purposes like changing configuration, without having the instance to migrate to standby node. The
following procedure should be followed during maintenance:
NOTE: The example assumes that the package name is mysql_1, package directory is /etc/
cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1 and the MySQL DATADIR is configured as/MySQL_1/mysql.
Disable the failover of the package through the cmmodpkg command.
$ cmmodpkg -d mysql_1
Pause the monitor script.
Create an empty file /etc/cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1/mysql.debug as shown below:
$ touch /etc/cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1/mysql.debug
Toolkit monitor script which continuously monitors MySQL process, would now stop monitoring
this daemon process. A message "MySQL toolkit pausing monitoring and entering maintenance
mode" appears in the Serviceguard Package Control script log.
If required, stop the MySQL database instance as shown below:
$ /etc/cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1/toolkit.sh stop
Perform maintenance actions (For example, changing the configuration parameters in the
parameter file of the MySQL instance. If this file is changed, remember to distribute the new
file to all cluster nodes).
Start the MySQL database instance again if you stopped it:
$ /etc/cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1/toolkit.sh start
Allow monitoring scripts to continue normally as shown below:
$ rm -f /etc/cmcluster/pkg/MySQL1/mysql.debug
A message "Starting MySQL toolkit monitoring again after maintenance" appears in the
Serviceguard Package Control script log.
Enable the package failover.
$ cmmodpkg -e mysql_1
Database Maintenance 95