Serviceguard Extension for RAC Version A.11.17 Release Notes, December 2005

Serviceguard Extension for RAC Version A.11.17 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements
Chapter 1 17
1. Halt the cluster services on the node(s) to be removed. Edit the
cluster ASCII file to remove the nodes from which you removed
Serviceguard Extension for RAC, then re-apply the configuration.
The cluster remains up and running.
2. Issue the swremove command to remove the software.
Offline Node Reconfiguration:
1. Halt the cluster and remove the node from the configuration. If you
intend to continue running the SGeRAC cluster on the remaining
nodes, edit the cluster ASCII file to remove the nodes from which you
removed SGeRAC, then re-apply the configuration.
2. Optionally, restart the cluster on the remaining nodes.
3. Issue the swremove command to remove the software. If SGeRAC is
being deinstalled from more than one system, it should be removed
from one system at a time.
Optionally, after de-installing SGeRAC, you may use the swremove
command to de-install Serviceguard.
Removing Serviceguard Extension for RAC Without
Removing Serviceguard
If you want to remove SGeRAC and return the cluster to use as a
Serviceguard cluster, use the following steps:
1. Halt the cluster.
2. Use swremove to remove SGeRAC from each node.
3. Reboot each node.
4. Edit the cluster configuration ASCII file to remove any
OPS_VOLUME_GROUP entries, then run the cmapplyconf command.
5. Restart the cluster.