Serviceguard for Linux Oracle Toolkit Version A.02.10 Release Notes, June 2005

Serviceguard for Linux Oracle Toolkit Linux Version A.02.10 Release Notes
Chapter 1 17
ps Command returns “empty” even when <pid> exists.
What is the problem?
The Linux command “ps <pid>” will sometimes return empty, even
when the <pid> actually exists. haoracle.mon uses this command.
If this command incorrectly reports that monitored processes are not
running, the application fails over from node 1 to node 2.
What is the fix?
Haoracle.mon has been enhanced to remove the dependency on ps.
Instead of executing ps, haoracle.mon has been modified to use /proc
to detect processes.
RedHat Enterprise Server 3 shell variables are not
inherited by a child process.
What is the problem?
The bash shell is different from older versions of RedHat.
What is the fix?
Serviceguard for Linux Oracle Toolkit provides a minor change with
the way variables are defined to address this issue. This toolkit is
also compatible with older versions of RedHat and Serviceguard for
Linux. See Table 1-1 for a list of compatible versions for RedHat and