HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Deployment Guide, September 2012

2. Import the volume groups by running the vgscan command.
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
Found volume group "vgclog" using metadata type lvm2
Found volume group "vgws" using metadata type lvm2
NOTE: If the volume groups, vgws and vgclog are not found, reboot the server.
3. Create the mount points
mkdir /ws
mkdir /clog
4. Backup the volume group configurations
vgcfgbackup /dev/vgws /dev/vgclog
5. Deactivate the volume groups on this server
vgchange a n vgws vgclog
Network Configuration
Configure Network Bonding
In this step, you will configure a bonded network interface. You will need to determine which
interfaces are participating in the bond. In the following example, eth2 and eth3 are configured to
create the bond0 logical interface to meet the minimum requirements for Serviceguard for Linux.
These steps should be performed on each server, using the appropriate IP and MAC addresses.
In this example, we show the content of the 3 configuration files in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
directory required to create the bonded interface. The ifcfg-eth# files may already exist, but the ifcfg-
bond0 file probably does not exist.
1. Change directory:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
2. Create ifcfg-bond0 and add the IP address and other network addresses according to your
environment as well as the other fields listed here, for example:
BONDING_OPTS='miimon=100 mode=1'
NOTE: There is no space between the key-value pair variables. For example, there should not
be any space between DEVICE (key) and bond0 (value) pair.
3. Edit the ifcfg-ethN file to contain the following content. Remove existing entries, if any,
except for “DEVICE” and “HWADDR”. Make sure that the HWADDR field matches the
specific MAC address for the card, do not use the value listed here. Here is an example for